Meet Yemi Jackson

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Yemi JacksonYemi Jackson is the CEO and Founder of Engage Transform . A talent acquisition and development company with the mission of increasing the placements of women and BAME talent in senior positions in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Yemi has over 25 years’ work experience, and was Senior Executive in Finance and IT before setting up Engage Transform to counter the critical need for a more engaged and diverse workplace that begins with sourcing the right candidates.

Yemi has worked across Retail (Sainsburys, Kingfisher) & Logistics (SSP Group), Housing (Peabody, Network Homes) and Education sectors (GEMS Education), gathering extensive experience while collaborating with Executive teams in optimising sustainable business solutions in Finance and IT.

Yemi's passionate about continuously striving to be excellent in your chosen area, she is a qualified accountant, member of Association of Chartered Management Accountants (ACMA) and completed her MBA at Warwick Business School in 2018. Yemi is a also a member of the Institute of Directors (IOD).

Using every rejection as a stepping stone, Yemi has continuously demonstrated how to overcome gender and race inequality with focus and determination. Her objective now is to assist organisations in finding high calibre diverse talent, the key to innovation and growth in the 4th industrial revolution.


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