"We believe in living life in FULL COLOUR. We talk ART & give creative people a platform for their talent."
Sara McKee, Founder
"LIFE: FULL COLOUR is intended to provide a platform to promote, raise the profile and market the talented artists we come across who sometimes struggle to sell their work.
We want to write about what we see at exhibitions, what we read and what we think about art in general. This is aimed at our fellow art enthusiasts who are often put off by the academic elitism of some art criticism.
We welcome contributions: book reviewers, exhibition visitors, travellers and artists who fancy a different space to project their creativity."
You can find out more about LIFE: FULL COLOUR by emailing them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and following them on social media:
Twitter: twitter.com/LifeFullColour11
Facebook: facebook.com/LifeFullColour1st
LinkedIn Company Profile: linkedin.com/company/life-full-colour/
LinkedIn Sara McKee Profile: linkedin.com/in/saramckeefrsa/
Instagram: instagram.com/lifefullcolour1st/