
Doing Business Differently Inclusive Entrepreneurship - Facebook Live Event

We are delighted to be collaborating with Facebook and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Inclusive Entrepreneurship as part of our continued commitment to changing the narrative on disability and  entrepreneurship showcasing the sector and advising on how it can be upscaled.

We recognise the importance of the virtual world even more so within the hybrid way of working during and beyond the Pandemic. For our sector equity of access to the tools within the digital space is essential to ensure no one is left behind.

The Pandemic created a much more inclusive way of working creating global opportunities within the virtual world whilst working from home. Our Inclusive Entrepreneur Network like many other organisations embarked on a steep learning curve placing core functions into previously unchartered territory.

It's clear the future of work will not be returning to business as usual as many have appreciated the work life balance this has provided. For our sector whilst it has undoubtedly removed some of the barriers we often faced within traditional work places including the journey to and from work we now need to make sure those same barriers are not reflected in this new way of working in terms of access to sector specific training, practical support, assistive technology and business networking.

The Inclusive Entrepreneur Network which sits under my Universal Inclusion portfolio responded to the Pandemic by placing our real time events, services, market place and sector specific business support online by the end of the first week of Lockdown.

Whilst this was a steep learning curve (I have the pictures to prove it) it was essential both to the Network and the Entrepreneurs within it for business survival and their mental health in these unprecedented times. It also highlighted a skills shortage in this area alongside other practical support mechanisms which will be essential to the continued growth of the sector going forward.

One of the successes of our move into the virtual world was the creation of our Friday Briefings which ensured our members had continued peer support, updates on government responses to the Pandemic including business disruption, showcasing the entrepreneurs, a market place and sector specific business strategy coaching alongside health and wellbeing support. This also allowed us to make recommendations to government on how they could ensure the sector was not left behind in the pandemic.

The Friday Briefings contained within its recommendations, the creation of an All Party Parliamentary Group for Inclusive Entrepreneurship which we shared with Dr Lisa Cameron MP when she joined us at one of our briefings.

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To our delight Dr Cameron agreed to chair the APPG, and 2 weeks before recess in 2020 the APPG was formalised and it's a privilege for Universal Inclusion to be providing the Secretariat supported by Savvitas.


The 2 year programme of work within the APPG reflects the sector recommendations and is already having a significant impact on changing the narrative on disability and entrepreneurship which amongst others includes a collaboration with Facebook which has led to this, first of its kind Facebook Live event specifically for disabled people who are currently or wish to create enterprise in a masterclass on how to utilise Facebook and Instagram to start and grow a business.

This is an open, free event and membership of the Network is not required to attend. The session will have a comment facility and responses will be made during the session where possible or post live stream.

Join us on Friday 25th June at 11.30am-12.30pm BST for this Facebook Live Event.

If you require support to access this opportunity please contact - BSL & captioning available.

Contact us today to discuss this opportunity

+44 (0) 749 603 5028