“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Mark Twain
Our relationship with work is as old as time - our aspirations and the need to express our creativity is displayed clearly through our various generations, be it in cave paintings or the most up-to-date social media.
Our relationship with work during the Pandemic and the various Lockdowns has perhaps shown how important work is to us. For the first time, it has also showed us how we can achieve a work-life balance across most sectors, as we quickly responded to the initial business disruption with all manner of creativity, particularly in terms of moving our businesses to the digital world.
These photos clearly depict my steep learning curve and my inital choatic response to taking the business online.

My Work-From-Home (WFH) quicky transformed into a tranquil and successful period in my business portfolio, albeit a difficult experience in terms of my mental health and well-being.

We have historical accounts of work that certainly wasn’t, and still isn’t, good for anyone's soul.
Work is also a major factor in reducing intergenerational poverty and societal inequalities.
We know how important it is to create workspaces that reflect the communities we live in and allow for a greater work-life balance.
We also know how organisations struggle to make sense of the conflicting guidelines, legislation and work programmes. Despite the organisational intent, can often result in tick-box silo responses, as they are lacking in guidance on practical ways to create sustainable inclusive working practice.
My whole career has been spent increasing equality of access to life’s opportunities. Following my own health diagnosis and the pretty horrific experience I had in the workplace, I developed the services below which are cited as good practice internationally. More importantly, they ensure that workplaces operate with sustainable inclusive working practice, and where conflict arises, that the correct support is put in place in ways which support everyone in the process.
Benefit from Bespoke Guidance and Solutions with Expert Support for Organisations and Entrepreneurs
Workforce Retention
We have a proven track record of creating exemplar sustainable inclusive working practice in the workplace.
Our bespoke services create a seamless pathway, which amongst other things leads to successful workforce retention - whether you are office-based or are now looking to support your current and future employees who are working from home.

Practical In-Work Support
The Access to Work Award
This is a discretionary award designed to support Disabled People to stay in work or self-employment.
It is available for employed and self-employed roles offering significant funding for the practical items which enable this to be successful.
It can be used to cover aids and adaptations, support workers, taxis to and from work or meetings, etc.
Click here to access the UK Government's Guide to Access to Work Awards Scheme
Our bespoke Proforma, Guidance and Advocacy help you prepare a business case for the application. I developed this service and have used it successfully, achieving a 100% success rate with my clients in acquiring their awards.
Once successful, we can manage the day-to-day administration of your award, responding swiftly to any queries and ensuring everything runs smoothly in terms of purchasing equipment, seeing that support worker payments are processed correctly, etc.
Every award recipient is required to undergo a review annually, or every three years. Our Review Blueprint ensures the initial business base is upheld and adapted where necessary in advance of the Review.
Grant Logan
- Ability Today
I have been working with Jacqueline since 2015 and we have built up a strong working relationship over this time. In this time, she has been instrumental in the Access To Work Award. She has also helped me develop our brand and kept me focused on driving the social enterprise forward and achieving our social impact objectives.
Organisational Change Frameworks which create Sustainable Inclusive Working Practice
We offer bespoke packages that cover all aspects of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace in the employed or self-employed sector.
This transformational response ensures your organisation creates sustainable inclusive working practice.

Martin Stevens OBE
- Chair Disability Rights UK
Jacqueline delivered an excellent session, engaging and enlightening. I thought it was going to be boring…it wasn’t. The bespoke session covered a lot of information tailored to fit my situation. The structure was clear, logical and effective. I came away more aware and mindful.
Strategy Coping for Managing A Chronic Condition in the Workplace
We have developed a very successful course of coping strategy training on how to manage the impact of a chronic condition in the workplace, delivered over six two-hour sessions.
Lady Sharon Farley Mason
- Glamsticks
Jacqueline’s knowledge and assistance have been tremendous - from her advice regarding available support to her handholding throughout the Access to Work Award application. If it hadn't been for Jacqueline's expertise and capabilities, I would have fallen at the first hurdle. Throughout the process, she has kept me calm when my anxieties have been very high. She knows exactly how these awards work and has an amazing way of not letting bureaucracy or conflicting criteria thwart the stated intent of the award to enable disabled people to become successful entrepreneurs in their own right and to be fully supported while doing so.
Disability Awareness Training
One of our most successful modules introducing and reinforcing the key elements of Disability Awareness within the workplace, leaving participants with a sound understanding of the key issues and how to develop and uphold exemplar practice in this regard.
Our clients tell us this was key to understanding how to navigate their symptoms within their place of work, whether in an employed or self-employed capacity.
Particularly if they have recently been diagnosed with a long-term health condition which impacts on them in the workplace.

Stephen Hopwood
- Swift and Sure
Jacqueline was amazing and her assistance with the Access to Work Scheme was tremendous. She has encouraged me to continue growing my business and to explore opportunities that I wouldn't have otherwise considered. Her insights and understanding of the challenges I face as a disabled entrepreneur and her overall approach are inspiring. She understands where I am coming from and what drives me to keep on going.

Our Services
Framework for Inclusion in the Work Place
C-Level 2 day Introduction to Workforce Retention Programme
Middle Management Workforce Retention Programme
Training and Coaching for Management
Supportive Pathway
Contact us today for a confidential chat.
+44 (0) 749 603 5028