There are many opportunities to get involved in the APPG for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and its Programme of Works.
You can join as a member, participate in research and enquiries or help us to deliver our programme as a partner or sponsor.
By filling in the required detail in our form, you give us permission to add you to our mailing list.
You can access the form by clicking on the REGISTER TO BECOME A MEMBER button below.
After filling in your details, we also ask you to confirm that you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy and that you have filled in our DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM.
We do this as part of registration because a key part of increasing equality of access to enterprise is research. The data gathered is processed according to The General Data Protection Regulations. Where personal data is requested, this will be consolidated and processed anonymously to provide confidentiality. For further information please refer to our Privacy Policy.
We aim to make our APPG as inclusive as possible. If you have any questions about accessibility or the APPG, please email APPGIE@universalinclusion.co.uk or visit https://www.universalinclusion.co.uk/appgie.
A showreel highlighting Inclusive Entrepreneurs, members of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
If you wish to attend any meeting, we ask you to first please email The Secretariat at APPGIE@UNIVERSALINCLUSION.CO.UK. You will then be asked to register for the meeting, where you will be provided with the agenda and the meeting detail including any online links for participation. Details of our meetings can be found here.
2 Year Programme Of Works
Please download the All Party Parliamentary Group for Inclusive Enterpreneurship Programm of Works which details the current activities and outputs: APPG for Inclusive Entrepreneurship Programme of Works 2020
Statement of Purpose
Please download the All Party Parliamentary Group for Inclusive Entrepreneurship Statement of Purpose which provides the Aims, Background, Rationale and Objectives: APPG for Inclusive Entrepreneurship Statement of Purpose

Getting Involved as a Partner, Sponsor, Supporter or Investor
This is not an official website of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in these webpages are those of the group.
Photos taken from the Parliament Website are under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) licence.