Work that is good for your soul

Work that is good for your soul

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The importance of doing work that is good for you - particularly in relation to health and on the International Poetry at Work Day

Work that is good for your soul

Without which the inner yearnings, hopes and aspirations of the human spirit would fail to soar

Without which the light which shines within the darkest corners of the world would fail to reveal the beauty within

Without which the time-held universal exchanges of goods for currency would lay rotting , rejected, impotent of purpose and intent

Without which the injustices which exist and bind some into slavery within the modern day whilst others bask in the ill-gotten gain

Without which the integrity and purpose within earth-bound angels would fall as autumn leaves upon the ground

Without which the passion and resilience that feeds the universal winds of change is, as if infinity itself has snuffed the flickering flame of hope for all eternity

J. Winstanley, January 8 2019

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